Data Recovery Software - Version helps in restoring all types of lost ordeleted files easily by running various disks scanningmethods and option to save them on default or userspecified location. Data Recovery software capable toretrieve important documents which are lost due tohuman faults or technical error and save them in sameformats as they are previously saved. Pen drive dataundeleted application easily recovers inaccessiblefiles and folders from any capacity of storage deviceslike 512MB, 1GB, 2GB or higher. Recovery softwareeasily retrieve different types of media files likeaudio, video clips, images etc from any brands ofdigital camera memory sticks and save them to anyexternal hard disks. Data undelete program is easy touse and does not require any expert training ortechnical knowledge for operating them in fileretrieval process. Application also supports NTFS andFAT file systems for data recovery from any types ofstorage disks like pen drives, flash media, memorysticks, hard disks or other portable devices. Softwarefacilitates to restore all files which are lostaccidently from formatted or corrupted disks by runningvarious disks scanning methods for in-depth searchingof deleted data. Recovery tools also capable to salvagedata from bad boot parts of any storage disks andrecover them in same format and size. Recoveryapplication is easy to use and can be installed on anywindows operate computer without expert training.Features:* Software facilitates to restore all types of filesand folders which are lost due to technical faults orimproper use of devices.* Recovery tool can salvage important data byperforming in-depth disk scanning and search lostdocuments.* Application facilitates to retrieve various types ofdata in less time and save them on user desired locations.