Docx Repair - Version 3.0 When you work on MS Word, you might observe that someerrors message display while opening the file whichrestricts you to access your documents. It means thatyour document file have been corrupted & need torepair. Some of the errors message such as ".Docx fileis not in the recognizable format", "MS Word 2007unable to read file Docx", "MS Word cannot accessread-only document", "The document name or path is notvalid" etc show you that your file got corrupted. Thereis no need to panic! Use Docx Repair tool & repaircorrupt Docx files or fix Docx files. It cansuccessfully repair Word 2007 documents or fix corruptWord 2007 documents. Docx file recovery software scansdamaged Docx files & recover corrupt Docx file metadata intact (texts, pictures, charts, clip arts,headers & footers, images, hyperlinks, text formatting,tables, bulleted lists, embedded images, drawings etc)& save it into new .Docx files or .RTF files. SysToolsDocx Repairer is fully featured Docx file repairsoftware & consists following advance features:* Repair Docx file which get damaged or corrupted &fails to open* Restore original formatting with all items liketexts, images, tables, bulleted lists & so on* Displays recovered content of files before saving thefiles, so as to ensure integrity of files* Docx repairer software allows saving of recoveredcontent into .Docx & .RTF file format* Docx file repair software can repair only MS OfficeWord 2007 (.docx) files.* Compatible with MS Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP,2003, Windows Vista & Windows 7 operating systems.You can the trail version of SysTools Docx Repair forfree as the demo versionm shows the the features of the software. Demo version of SysTools Docx Repair showsonly preview of recovered contents & restrict filesaving options. Purchase full version of SysTools Docxrepair software to repair MS Word 2007 files & makeyour Docx file work again.