Download:Digital Image Recovery Tools - Version 1 Recover Data for Digital Media Recovery is the advancedprofessional software with that recovers all kinds ofthe deleted files from the well branded cameras likeKodak, Sony, Nikon, Canon, Fuji, Minolta, Sigma,Olympus etc. With the help of this recovery tool wecan get back our deleted data in few clicks. This riskfree tool recovers data from all the storage devicessuch as: Memory Stick, MMC Card, Flash Drive, iPod etc. Highlighting Product Features1. Simple and easy handling software2. Software designed with advanced techniques torecover deleted photos from any storage devices3. Recovers complete media files and pictures aftermedia formatting4. Preview of the files is allowed during the recoveryprocess5. Software supports with Windows XP, Server 2003,Vista, Server 2008 & Win 76. Recovery log provides the continuous information onthe recovery process7. Activity log provides information on partitionrecovery service8. Recovers pictures from digital media where thepictures get corrupted due to mishandling.9. Quick and efficient recovery process10. Recovered items saved in a desired location11. Recovered items are displayed in a tree like structure12. No technical expertise required to handle the softwareRecover Data for Digital media Recovery is richlyfeatured software. It offers a free demo version of thesoftware, so that the users can evaluate the workcaliber of the product. If the functionality appeasesyou then buy the full edition of the software and carryout unlimited recovery