EDB to PST Software - Version 16.1 Exchange servers can sometimes encounter disastroussituations including failure of hardware infrastructureor software crash etc. where the Exchange databasefiles with the extension .edb either become completelydamaged or corrupt which ultimately results ininaccessibility. However, there is no need to worry ifyou have an EDB to PST conversion utility that caninstantly overcome such challenges and retrieve thelost information within a few minutes. Typically, an EDB to PST software overcomes all thepotential limitations that both inbuilt and 3rd partyExchange server recovery tools have to offer. However,EDB to PST conversion tool is effective, robust andcomparatively more user-friendly. Whenever a newsoftware update is released, the EDB to PST utilityallow users to quickly upgrade itself with dynamicfeatures and functionalities. The tool also provides users with an option whereinthey can search out or save EDB files without anyhassle. Moreover, the software can extensively providesupport to Unicode characters and use it in variedlanguages including Chinese, Japanese, and French etc.Apart from enhanced EDB recovery support and acting asa comprehensive repair solution, the software can alsospecify the “Date” field in the calendar and is fullycompatible with its previous versions. One can download the demo version of the EDB to PSTsoftware which is available for free and can try andtest its features. Since the usage of this utility isrestricted to a limited period of time and only 25email items can be recovered per folder and migratethem to PST, live exchange server or Office 365. Onemust evaluate it well in advance before purchasing thefully featured license that comes with lifetimevalidity. To know more, please visit:www.edbtopsttutorial.net.