EML file Converter to PDF - Version 5.0 We have launched the advanced edition of Birdie EML toPDF Converter tool also known as EML file Converter toPDF program that completely allows you to convert yourEML e-mails into Adobe PDF format in instant manner.EML file Converter to PDF software is the best & theappropriate email converter and easily enable users toread, view or open emails of Windows Mail, WindowsLive, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, etc into PDF file formatwith actual email formatting and other data like ; To,Subject, Date & Time, Email Body Content, EmbeddedImages, etc. The updated edition of EML file converterto PDF tool also have features like; Save attachmentsin Embed in PDF file, save attachments in separatefolder and also offers more different file namingoptions. This EML file converter to Adobe PDF tool alsoacts as batch EML file converter to PDF tool thatallows converting or moving EML emails in big batchesat one time. Software is also available in free-demoedition that supports to convert 1 eml file only. Forthe complete email conversion of emails purchase thelicensed edition of Birdie EML to PDF Converter at verynominal cost.