EML to PDF Batch Converter - Version 5.0 Are you facing trouble while converting numerous of EMLemails into Adobe PDF format? Then give a try to thehot and best EML to PDF Batch Converter program thatbeing designed & developed by the active developers ofBirdie Software to convert EML to PDF batch. Our EMLfile to PDF batch converter software easily handles allthe unlimited eml emails to pdf conversion processwithout damaging any email items, attachments,formatting and other settings. This EML to PDF groupconverter tool easily retains total eml message detailssuch as; Meta data, attachments, embedded images,formatting, etc throughout the way. EML to PDF batchconverter software also supports to convert EMLX to PDFbatch. So it times now to test the demo utility thatallows you to convert single EML file to PDF at a time.For the conversion of batch EML or EMLX emails intoAdobe PDF format place your order for the licenseedition of Birdie EML to PDF Converter that cost youabout $49.00 only.