Employee Monitoring Software - Version Today’s highly competitive business environment demandsutmost dedication and contribution from every possibleresource of an organization. Be it a low, middle or atop level employee, everybody contributes substantiallytowards the performance of the organization. Therefore,organizations should try to optimize their employees’efforts by channelizing their activities in the rightdirection. To achieve this task successfully,organizations should think of appropriate methods tostudy employee behavior in the work environment andtake proactive measures to motivate them effectively.Computer, being a vital tool for organizations andemployees alike in a majority of organizational setups,plays an important role in the way a job is done.Therefore, computer monitoring can give a good insightinto how employees spend their time in office and whatare the activities which consume their majority oftime. System monitoring software applications useadvanced technology to perform detailed monitoring ofvarious activities an individual engages in on his/hercomputer. This can go a long way in curbing data theft,ensuring information security and preventing cybercrimes in organizations. Moreover, this can also enableorganizations to keep a check on employees’ time lostin wasteful activities. The employee monitoringsoftware performs time based logging of each and everyPC activity of a computer user. Moreover, it alsogenerates log reports for every user in the network andsends these reports on a specific email id. This canalso enable organizations to avoid information theft bygetting to know about any sort of malicious activityabout to take place. Organizations can, hence, takeappropriate measures proactively.