Exact Way to Fix SQL Server - Version 4.10 When the MDF file become unusable it will raise a queryof how to fix SQL server database, get online solutionfor this query with SQL database repair utility thatprovides exact way to fix SQL server database andrecover damaged MDF file. SysTools SQL RecoverySoftware also provides free demo version facility whichallows you to test the ability of our product and viewcontent of corrupt MDF files. Demo version also allowsyou to save view of MDF files in your system in .strformat. When you purchase full license version ofSysTools SQL Recovery Software then you can convert.str file into .mdf file and directly save and exactMDF files in your SQL server 2000, 2005 and 2008through “Automated Database Creation” function at $129for personal license and $229 for business license. Ifyou have any doubt for our product and any query likehow to get exact way to fix SQL server database thenyou can contact our support team which is available24/7 for help you. Read morehttp://www.exact-way-to.fixsqlserver.com/