Excel Document Recovery - Version 10.10.01 MS Excel files are susceptible to corruptions becauseof the large amount of data being usually stored inthem. Data in Excel sheets are stored in the form oftext, numbers, mathematical formula, OLE images,hyperlinks, etc. When Excel spreadsheets get corrupted,users encounter some common type of error messages like“Unable to read Files.”, “????.xls cannot beaccessed.”, “EXCEL.exe has generated errors and will beclosed by Windows. You will need to restart theprogram. An error log is being created.”, “This file isnot in a recognizable format.”, “The file may beread-only, or you may be trying to access a read-onlylocation.”, “The server on which the document is storedmay not be responding.”, etc. In order to rectify and fix these problems and recoverthe lost or inaccessible data from the damaged Exceldocuments, Kernel for Excel Repair software is an apttool. This Excel document recovery software is highlyefficient and resolves most severe cases of Excel filecorruption to completely recover .xls and .xlsx files. With Kernel for Excel Repair tool, users cansuccessfully extract file contents complete with theiroriginal file format and properties. This Exceldocument recovery software is integrated with two datarecovery modes, viz., Single File Mode and Multi Filemode for precise data recovery. The former is used torecover one Excel spreadsheet document at a time whilethe later can repair multiple files in a single cycle.Both the modes ensure complete and consistent datarecovery. Kernel for Excel Repair supports long file names, largesized spreadsheet documents and Unicode characters.This Excel document recovery tool is compatible withExcel files created using MS Excel version MS Excel2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000,Excel 97, and Excel 95. For more information pleasevisit www.excelfilerecovery.net