Excel File Recovery - Version 11.10.05 Unistal Quick Recovery for Microsoft Excel software isperfect excel file recovery software for every homeuser to technical person to recover excel data fromcorrupt & damaged excel files. Excel File Repair Toolto fix & repair corrupt excel files in few simpleclicks. Excel File Reader utility has effectivegraphical user interface which helpful for every userto repair corrupt xls in quick time. Excel File Recovery Tool has unique methods to repairexcel files which are corrupted due to virus attacks,sudden system shutdown and software corruption or forsome human errors. Excel Recovery Tool successfullyrepair corrupt excel files of MS Excel97/2000/2002/2003. Excel Repair Software at Unistalsupports Native File Format of Ms Excel - BIFF (BinaryInterchange File Format). XLS Repair Software fix & repair corrupt xls filesalong with all of its objects like headers, footers,OLE objects, hyperlink text, text, formatting, images,charts etc. XLS Recovery Software runs on windowsoperating System & supports windows95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/2007 & vista. To know more about Unistal Quick Recovery forMicrosoft Excel File Repair Software & Free DownloadExcel File Recovery Software demo version forevaluating the result before purchasing the fullversion of the Excel File Recovery Software, you justneed to visit at here:http://www.recoveryourdata.com/excel-recovery.html.