Exchange 2016 Mailbox Recovery - Version 16.1 At time, dealing with EDB files can turn out to be veryannoying as it gets too difficult to understand theerror or fix them effectively. However, now you don’thave to be concern about the EDB file corruptions aswith the help of Kernel for Exchange Server Recovery,you can easily tackle every single error or situationlike inaccessibility of EDB file in a very quick time.The real highlight of the software is its two powerfulscanning modes (standard scan and advanced scan) thathelps in repairing exchange EDB and STM files in everycondition. In fact, the tool operates as an idealExchange 2016 mailbox recovery software and has gotexcellent attributes such as ‘Search’ and ‘Ask for EDBVersion’ that further enables its user to find out EDBfile and even submit Exchange version for superior userconvenience. Moreover, if you are really concerned of losing theintegrity of data while performing the EDB filerecovery operation, then you don’t have to be reallyworry. The tool has been programmed in such a mannerthat it retains the data integrity in almost anycondition while performing EDB file repair operation.After the successful completion of the recoveryprocess, the items are displayed in aclean-and-organized tree-like structure. In addition,the other key highlight of the tool is its in-builtfilter functionality that allows export of specificitems based upon date range, include or exclude certainitems or even type of item. It true sense, the software is an Exchange 2016 mailboxrecovery as it also supports MS Outlook 2016 & ExchangeServer 2016 and rest all previous versions of ExchangeServer. One can also download and try its trial versionto get familiar with its working and other keyfunctionalities. Although, you got to note that thefree trial version just permits you to recover filesand save (only first 25 items/folder). To know more,visit: