Exchange BKF Recovery - Version 15.10 BKF files are Windows Backup Utility files. They areused to restore Windows data during data corruption orloss. Sometimes, BKF files get corrupted too due tovirus attacks, file header corruption, improper systemshutdown, power failure, hard disk crash etc. Torecover corrupt or damaged BKF files, use Kernel forBKF Repair tool. It can repair corrupt BKF filesirrespective of the cause of corruption in almost notime. And, recovers entire data stored in themaccurately. The tool first scans the corrupt BKF filesand repairs them with the help of its dual repairingmode – Quick Mode and Advanced Mode. Quick mode dealswith minor BKF corruptions and Advanced mode isprogrammed to repair severely corrupt BKF files.Capable of recovering multiple BKF filessimultaneously, the Exchange BKF recovery tool offerssome really advanced data recovery features. Some ofthem are enlisted below:* Fixes severe BKF corruption issues including CRCerrors, missing catalog file etc. effectively* Recovers BKF files created by multiple operatingsystems including MS Backup and VERITAS utility ofWindows and Mac OS respectively* Option to save recovered BKF files at any desiredlocation including external hard disk drive, pen driveetc. * Saves STM, EDB and log files also* Executes error free recovery of .CD and .CTF backup files* Supports five most popular data backup utilities – HPData Protector, Symantec Backup, Windows NT Backup,ARCserve Backup and Veritas Backup* Offers compatibility with Windows 8.1 and Windows 10The advanced tool is equipped with an interactiveinterface which makes it very user-friendly. Thesoftware’s trial version is absolutely free which canbe used to get a fair idea about software’sfunctionality. However, to save recovered BKF files,you need to purchase the software as trial versiondoesn’t offer saving option. For more details