Exchange Repair Software - Version 6.5 Have to face the bad situation related to ExchangeServer or your EDB got corrupt? Then get repairExchange database now with Enstella Exchange repairsoftware. Enstella Systems prepares this exclusivetechnology based Exchange database repair program torecover EDB to PST and restore Exchange database withentire emails. Through this best Exchange mailboxrepair tool user can smoothly extract Exchange emailsand convert Exchange to PST. We have done a longstruggled R&D to make our Exchange file repair program.We made it more powerful to fix corrupt EDB file orrepair corrupt EDB file. Our Exchange EDB to PST repairtool does repair EDB file in several situations such asWhen EDB gets corrupt due to Exchange Server getsdown/network connection break with ExchangeServer/virus infect the file/electricity cable getdisconnect/card get fail/hub/router failure etc.Enstella Exchange repair software creamed with elegantfeatures such as;* Fast Exchange email repairtool,Repair Exchange EDB with entire database asemails, tasks, notes, contacts, calendar, journals,appointments etc, Retrieve Exchange database from suchversions of EDB as 5.0/5.5/2000/2003/2007/2010. Enstella Download free EDB recovery software hassome remarkable features:- * easy and simple to download free EDB repair tool. * Fast recognizing power to recover corrupt EDB filefrom exchange severs. * Effortlessly repair corrupt EDB file and recoverEDB file to PST file. * Smoothly extract EDB file from such Exchangeserver version-5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010. * free EDB file reader program reads EDB emailsarchives-contacts, journals, sent items, receiveditems, junks emails, draft folder etc. * Successfully convert EDB to PST on such supportiveMS Outlook verisons-97/2000/2002/2003/2007/2010. * 24X7 online technical support * Order license key of full version Exchangedatabase recovery software which is available atreasonable USD 299 price.