Export Lotus Notes to Outlook - Version 8.03.02 Convert nsf file to pst file with export lotus notes tooutlook software and view emails and other items ofLotus Notes with MS Outlook. Software is easy to useand lets you convert unlimited number of nsf files topst files in one go. Software features include: nsffile to pst file conversion, convert domino servermailboxes, save converted nsf file in pst file, saveconverted nsf file in exchange server format, convertemails, contacts, journals, notes, images, attachments,email properties, alarms, folders with sub folders withexport lotus notes to outlook software. Software alsolets you convert domino mailboxes to ms exchange serverprofiles. It directly gets connected to the dominoserver and let you choose the .nsf file from a usermailbox which then can be saved in .PST to exchangeformat. Text and RTF save formats lets you save theconverted emails with or without preserving formattingof the emails. Useful to both administrators and users,who can perform conversion as per their needs. Easy touse, 100% free from ad ware, spy ware, viruses. Itsupports every version of Lotus Notes, MS Outlook, MSExchange Server and Lotus Domino Server.