Export Outlook Express Contacts into Outlook - Version 3.01 Now time many users search special tool to ExportOutlook Express Contacts into Outlook, convert OutlookExpress Contacts into Outlook, and Import OutlookExpress Contacts into Outlook but not found the perfectsalutation in this satiation WAB Exporter softwareprovided complete solution all problem. This utilityreally converts Window Address Book contacts fromOutlook Express to Outlook. Export Outlook ExpressContacts into Outlook program has optional featureswhich very beneficial for user’s point of view such as-Compatible with all Windows version application –Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, very easy to useand download this program, and maintain the contacts ina systematical & alphabetical order. Export OutlookExpress Contacts into Outlook program offers free demofacility which converts only 5 contacts from WAB to PST.