Fix Corrupt MDF Files - Version 5.0 Quickly choose our SQL Recovery software which is oneof the supreme and superior utility which is embeddedwith highly interactive user interface and henceprovides convenient SQL recovery process. With the helpof this finest utility, SQL users can easily fixcorrupt MDF files without harming the original dataintegrity. SQL Recovery software has added aninteresting and advance feature i.e. Automated DatabaseCreation facility which is used to save the recoverableitems directly by creating separate batch folderautomatically. With the help of this utility, SQL userscan easily repair and recover damaged records, partlydamaged which get saved in separate SQL script file. Italso extracts SQL database files while corruption takesplace. If you fail to recover the contents from SQLSuspect database, then there is another way to get backyour crucial data. You can use the third party i.e. SQLRepair tool to repair SQL database contents. Quicklygrab SQL Recovery software which is the perfectsolution that helps you to fix corrupt MDF files andrecover its elements like tables, triggers, storedprocedure etc. While performing its function, it doesnot harm your data and even recover your importantinformation. Every user whether technical or nontechnical can utilize this software without having anytechnical knowledge. The software is operative with allSQL Server editions like SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008and 2008 R2. With this utility, you can fix corrupt MDFfiles and open SQL Server database files and repair SQLServer MDF file. You can just follow the steps and seethe magic after that. You can firstly scan and examinesyour corrupt MDF files. Use demo version first thatgives you the complete idea about the software. Aftersatisfaction purchase full version which is availableonly at $129.