Forum Proxy Leecher - Version 1.05 Forum Proxy Leecher (FPL) is the easiest way to findfresh proxies. It can extract proxies from variousproxy forums (topics and accessories) or proxy sitesand then automatically test and classify them. Oneclick is enough when you need proxies!The more people use it, the faster the proxy dies. FPLcan find proxies from forums, which is difficult forother software. It means that less people use theproxies gained by FPL, so that they can live for alonger time.FPL team knows where to find good proxies and maintainsthe leech list for you. Moreover, FPL proxy testermodule (Bleach) is specially designed for huge list. Itcan rapidly extract the unique proxies from a text fileor web page and then classify them into three levelsaccording to their anonymity:* High Anonymous Proxy (Level 1): The web server can'tdetect whether you are using a proxy by the informationyour browser sent.* Anonymous Proxy (Level 2): The web server knows thatyou are probably using a proxy, but it can't detectyour real IP.* Transparent Proxy (Level 3): The web server knowsthat you are using a proxy and it can also detect yourreal IP address.Forum Proxy Leecher main features:* Quickly get fresh proxies when you need* Support different types of forums* Support scanning accessories* Support non-forum proxy sites* Powerful proxy tester especially for huge list* Free update of the leech list* Nice user interface and easy to use* One-year free updates and technical support