Google Affiliate Network Automation - Version 1.0 Automatically lists Google Affiliate Network ( GAN )offers/coupons for affiliated stores and removes thesewhen they expire. Using this plugin you reduce the workfor stores affiliated with GAN to 1 minute/day and yousave money! ( Read to see how )The idea behind was to answer the question:How can I update my site with minimum effort?So we searched and found a solution. The timing forthis operation: about 10 seconds to upload more than250 deals / per day. The hole operation last's about 1minute ( but only 10 seconds from your time - the restis the time for the server to process the file! )Still after answering this question we found that therewas another related question to this one:Now that I have the latest offers on my site how do Idelete them after expiring?Now this is a hard question considering the fact thatyou may have more than 10.000 deals on the website atone time ( we reached more than 30.000 ).What is the necessary time to delete such a big amountof offers?We have no idea! But we are sure that is a long way forsomeone to do!What did we do for this problem?We minimized the time at 0 seconds for someone who usesthis plugin. So if you use the Google Affiliates pluginyou'll have:- Updates of the latest deals;- Automatic remove when the deal expires.This operation requires only 10 seconds from your time/ day!