Google Analytics Connector - Version 1.0 The Google Analytics Connector is a simple Windows application that facilitates the exportation or extraction of your Google Analytics data to Microsoft Excel or many other applications. Anyone who has had the unpleasant task of copying and pasting pages of data from Google Analytics to Microsoft Excel will be thrilled when they discover how quickly this tool can achieve the same results. Google Analytics Connector can be used to export any data from Google Analytics: visitor details (city, hostname, browser, ect), visit details (pageviews, visit duration, unique visitors, ect), campaign data (keyword, adwords data, ect), ecommerce (transactions, revenue, ect), and more; any data that Google Analytics is tracking for your website can be exported. You can even combine different data elements in order to create reports that are not offered in Google Analytics. The exported data can be saved as a CSV (comma seperated values) file that is universally readable and can be opened in Microsoft Excel.