Google Talk Password Remover - Version 5.0.1 Google Talk Password Recovery Software- Recover GoogleTalk password GTalk Password decrypter decoder workswhen "Remember Password" checkbox is ticked in GTalkinstant messenger. GTalk password retriever support allversions of Google Talk are supported. Google TalkPassword Recovery is utility for finding, decryptingGoogle password. It can recovers all the Google Talkaccounts stored on your local computer. It works withall the versions of Google Talk. Google Talk PasswordRecovery Program instantly recover the login andpassword information for your Google Talk. It recoverall passwords instantly, regardless of the length ofpasswords and compatible with WindowsVista/XP/2000/2003.Finding and decrypting Google TalkPasswords- Find Google Talk passwords * Gtalk Password Remover support Windows XP,Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT/ 2000/ 2003 andWindows Vista operating system. * Recovers forgotten Google talk passwords * It works when the "Remember my passwords" or"Sign me in automatically" tickbox is checked in themessenger. * GTalk password finder support all versions ofGoogle Talk messengers. * GTalk password retriever support multipleprofile password recovery. * GTalk password retriever find Google Talkpasswords retrieve Google Talk passwords.