GroupWise to Exchange Software - Version 17.0 GroupWise to Exchange Software is the ideal solutionyou need to convert and migrate the GroupWise filessecurely. It possesses a simple and lively interfacethat makes it instantly likeable among users. Itenables user to process single as well as multiplenumber of files in a single attempt without any fuss orhold overs. It extensively supports all the availableversions of MS Excel, MS Exchange Server, NovellGroupWise, and MS Outlook. It makes use of NUCON filesto store the records of numerous mailboxes in one file,easing it for users to perform batch file migration.This brilliant tool offers user with a variety ofsaving options to save the converted files in thedesired format like PST and Exchange Server files. Italso comprises of customizable alternatives to exportthe specific data. User can make the selection bymarking the checkboxes in front of certain parameters.It utilizes three different modes i.e. Default, Loginand Command line to connect with GroupWise and gainaccess of all the data items. Each mode servesdifferent functionalities for different situations.Above all, the advanced filters of the tool add moreflexibility to the conversion and migration process.You can give GroupWise to Exchange Software a try withits demo version. It won’t cost you a single penny, butwill give you a comprehensive tour of the tool whileallowing you to save first 10 items from converted ormigrated files. For expanded saving limits, unlock thelicensed version with a reasonable investment. What’smore? Explore: