Guestbook Star - Version 4.43 WebGenie's Guestbook*Star lets you create a guest-bookand its CGI with absolutely no programming experience.Web interactivity is the essential ingredient for asuccessful Internet-based business, whether it iscommercial, academic or social. It is imperative toknow your customers' and visitors' opinion to gaugeyour site's success and identify future onlinestrategies. Creating an online guest-book givesvisitors to your site a user-friendly format to providevaluable feedback, at the same time reducing yourefforts in collecting and recording this information.Create your own guestbook with original fields orchoose from four pre-designed guestbook templates;Personal, Social, Academic, Professional. Converts anexisting guestbook style form into a fully functionalguestbook on your website. Every time a guestbook entryis made the program can be set to notify you with thevisitor's name, email and address. Customizablebackground, color, title and fields. Automatically addsthe user to your mailing list. Sends a personalizedthank you note via email. Specifies mandatory fields.Hide/show the user's email address in the guestbook(only you will get to see them). Hide/show theguestbook to the visitor Registered users have theoption to use WebGenie's Guestbook Server to run theirguestbooks. Create a web form, using one of yourfavourite HTML editors and convert into a guestbook orlet the software create a guestbook form which you canlater edit. ZDNet's 5 Star award: "Guestbook Starcreates a form with multiple data-entry areas to letvisitors to your Web site quickly and easily register"