Hl7Spy - Version 1.1.102 HL7Spy is the fastest, most full-featured HL7 tool on the market. With the Custom Code feature you can write validation functions, and transforms, and more in c# (vb coming soon!).If you really want to get a taste for it, we recommend grabbing the free download and taking it for a test drive. However, if you just want an idea of what it can do, here is a sampling of some of the major features:Load - quickly load files, from 1KB to 100MB and more. HL7Spy will autodetect most file types, and allow you to specify the format of particularly unusual files.View - see messages in an easy-to-read layout, with field names and values decoded according to the HL7 standard. There are also many additional features, such as normalizing escape characters better readability, highlighting fields by name, and viewing