How to Recover Excel File - Version 11.07 There is a constant fear of “How to recover excel filesafter corruption”. It can be done manually, but thatrequires inbuilt technical skills and knowledge.Moreover, if the recovery needs to be performed in ahuge organization there could be time delay and excessresource utilization. Hence, RecoveryFix for Excel ispreferred under Excel damage situations. This recoverytool succeeds even on situations where the inbuilt‘Open and Repair’ option of the MS Excel fails. Itworks well with files in XLS or XLSX formats andinstantly extracts texts, fields, headers, footer,hyperlinks and macros from them.RecoveryFix for Excel does not change any format ordata when performing Excel repair on the files. Itextracts data from it and creates a new file using thedata. The software is embedded with two recovery modesnamely Single File mode and Multiple File mode. SingleFile mode enables user to search and repair singlecorrupt Excel file of his system whereas Multiple Filemode repairs several corrupt XLS and XLSX files insingle attempt. After repairing the files it displayseverything in hierarchical manner for the user topreview it before saving.The software supports MS Office 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003,XP and 2000. It is also available in trial version thatallows users to review the tool before purchase. Thetrial version lets the user repair and preview allExcel file data. However, in order to save therecovered data, purchase licensed edition ofRecoveryFix for Excel Software. To know more about thetool, visit: