How to Recover SQL Server Database - Version 5.0 SQL Server database recovery software provides the bestcorrupt SQL Server database recovery and MDF filerecovery solution for repairing or recovering corruptSQL Server database which is not accessible due to SQLServer database corruption. If you are confused how torecover SQL Server database then you can try our SQLServer recovery software 5.0 to recover corrupt SQLServer database and restore system database SQL Server2000 easily without any technical knowledge. Use ourfree trial version to perform complete recovery ofcorrupt SQL Server database. It also displays thepreview of repaired SQL Server database on yourcomputer screen and this tool helps you to check theability of our product. So you can try and solve thequery that how to recover SQL Server database in rightway. If you want to extract and save the repaired SQLServer database on your SQL Server then purchase its atjust $129. Read more: