IN-Backup 7.x - Version 7.X Murphy's Law states that computers will usually crashwhen you really need them the most, taking yourprecious data to the big bit bucket in the sky. WhileIN-Backup can't prevent your computer from crashing, itcan help you make backup copies of your important data.IN-Backup lets you save your files after they have beenmodified. Simply configure the program to suit yourneeds, and it will run in the background, backing upall your files whenever they are modified. Data backupis an vital element for professionals, but it's notalways used efficiently because it needs a lot of time.With IN-Backup this work is simplified and configurablefor each user. IN-Backup recreates automatically thestructure of the source folder in the destinationfolder. During the save process, IN-Backup notes downfiles that couldn't be saved (e.g. files being used byanother application). When the save process is over,OnBackup displays a list of all the files it could notsave. Then you can retry saving them, after closingsome applications for example.