Import DBX into Outlook - Version 9.0.2 The DBX to Outlook Importer is one of the easiestprograms to Import DBX into Outlook. This DBX toOutlook Converter has unlimited capacity to Import DBXinto Outlook. If the conversion on single mode takestoo much of your time, then you can always get thistool to work up to Import DBX to PST in batch mode. Youcan import DBX to all Outlook Version like 2010, 2007and 2003. Import DBX into Outlook software with theimportant key elements such as: To, Cc, Bcc, From, Sent& Received date & Attachments. Import DBX into Outlookwhile successfully preserving the formatting of emails.The program is the supreme solution import DBX intooutlook in all days and time. The tool only works toImport .DBX files to PST, but only healthy files. TheDBX to Outlook Importer is easily brought out at theprice of $69. But if you want to try out the softwarebefore purchasing it, use the demo. The demo does notcost you a single penny, but its work is limited to theconversion of 10 mails.