Import OE to Outlook 2007 - Version 7.8 Import OE to Outlook 2007 with emails with all the dataand meta-data within, none altered. Import OutlookExpress to MS Outlook 2007 involving all sorts ofemail, like read, unread, default and orphaned. Thefacilities to Import DBX Files into Outlook 2007 alsoextend towards the other UNICODE versions, like MSOutlook 2003 and 2010. The email formatting isretained, as in the original one. New PST files areautomatically generated to fit in the converted data.Check out the free exhibit version, for the assessmentof the software and its working procedure. Though onlyconverting 10 emails, the free exhibit version is ableto provide you the first hand experience on handlingthe software. You would be perpetually entitled to theservice of this software, all in all with the paymentof 69 USD.