Import Windows Live Mail to Mac Mail - Version 2.5 Are you trying to import mails from Windows Live Mailto Mac email environment? Then you can rely on ImportWindows Live Mail to Mac Mail solution - A HOT programto convert eml emails from Windows Live Mail to MacMail .mbox format in easy going mode. By using thistool you can also convert EML files of Outlook Express,Windows Vista Mail/Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail toApple Mac Mail, Thunderbird (.mbox file), etc. Afterthe successful conversion of eml to mbox users caneasily import the converted mbox files into Apple MacMail, Thunderbird, etc. So download the Import WindowsLive Mail to Mac Mail tool to perform the eml2mboxbatch conversion. Software easily maintains all thee-mail formatting and the as usual folder structureduring the conversion of .eml to .mbox file. Try thetrial mode of eml to mbox converter, which allows youto convert 10 .eml files to MBOX for assessment. If youget satisfied with that then go and get the fulllicensed version form Windows Mail to Mac Mail Converter is rated asmost excellent and the HOT selling e-mail conversiontool to migrate eml to mbox in batch mode. So get thelicensed version of the tool to convert boundless emlfiles to mbox emails in a trouble-free way.