Importing Notes to Outlook - Version 9.4 We care for the huge amount of users we have associatedwith our unique product Export Notes 9.4. Timelyupdating to meet the desired results is a prime motivefor our organization. Importing Notes to Outlook is atedious and frustrating task which is made easy by ourunique tool to convert Notes to PST. This tool isdesigned with advanced algorithms by our expert leveldevelopers who have thoroughly checked the toll on allsecurity measures for an error free conversion withoutany risk of file corruption. Some features of ourupdated version of Export Notes 9.4 are:-1 Complete batch and bulk file support for PST conversion 2 Converts huge amount of files with the highestpossible conversion speed.3 Conversion of encrypted files keeping data securityin mind4 Absolute conversion keeping the Meta data intactalong with folders and subfolders5 Converts all the items of Lotus notes like Email,contacts, to do list, to outlook including the text andattachments.6 Simple and parallel user interfacing with the optionto choose the respective files for conversionWe exactly know what our users are expecting and howthey want it so stay assured with you data as no riskof data loss in incurred by using Export Notes 9.4.This converter is the best tool in market for lotusnotes migration. It is a strong recommendation by ourexpert developers to first download the demo version ofthe tool that convert Lotus Notes to Outlook with alimit of 16 files per folder and up to 500 MB. Weprovide an expert level of 24* 7customer support withno needless misdirection. After previewing the qualityof the data by the freeware version purchases its fullversion at the revised price of 250 dollars.