Incredimail to Outlook - Version 6.01 Need to Migrate or convert IncrediMail to Outlook butnot capable to perform IncrediMail to OutlookMigration? An export and import email from incredimailto Outlook is not applicable in incredimail, so usersneed to purchase third party tool to convertIncrediMail to Outlook. PCVARE Offers you IncrediMailto Outlook program to convert emails from IncrediMailto MS Outlook. The IncrediMail to Outlook tool assistsyou to convert IncrediMail to Outlook with IMM emailselements to MS Outlook (email formatting, emailattachments, Email data, Emails header, etc). TheIncrediMail to Outlook program supports all MS Outlookversions (2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, etc). Software isfriendly with all Windows versions (7, ME, XP, 97, etc).