IziSEO - Version IziSEO is a simple desktop SEO spider that can crawl your web site like a search engine and quickly spot potential and critical issues with your web site, such as:- broken links;- missing images, CSS, JavaScript and form action links;- low keyword density;- external links without nofollow;- pages that load too slowly;- duplicate Titles and Meta Description.Such problems are added to a To-Do list for easy browsing.A Log File will give you additional control over the crawling.Also with IziSEO you can generate a Google sitemap or a list of URLs.Besides, you can export the crawling results into a PDF file (easy to print out) or a CSV file (which you can open in Excel or Open Office).It comes with numerous settings that can help you focus on the features you need the most.Start with a FREE version to play with your web site, no subscription or registration required!