JiJi Self Extractor - Version 1.0 JiJi Self Extractor Includes RAR File Extractor Win32Cabinet Self Extractor RAR File Extractor 7z ExtractorCab Extractor TAR Extractor Archive Extractor 7zExtractor ZIP Extractor ISO Extractor ARJ ExtractorlZMA Extractor Z Extractor BZ2 Extractor GZ ExtractorJAR Extractor NSIS Extractor CPIO Extractor CHMExtractor BZIP2 ExtractorJiJi Self Extractor merges multiple files into a singleself-extracting file. Compressed files can be convertedas a self extracting file, which would be automaticallydecompressed on self extraction. We support 15different compression formats(7z, zip, rar etc.,) forauto decompression. This facility would be convenientfor data transfers across internet, e-mails. This isalso suitable for packaging softwares for deployment onclient machines.Free Self Extractor JiJi Self Extractor RAR FileExtractor TAR Extractor 7z Extractor ZIP Extractor ISOExtractor ARJ Extractor lZMA Extractor CAB Extractor, ZExtractor RAR Extractor BZ2 Extractor GZ Extractor JARExtractor NSIS Extractor CPIO Extractor CHM ExtractorBZIP2 ExtractorPlease visit us at http://www.jijitechnologies.com formore detailsThe key features include 1. Merge multiple file as a single package. 2. Auto decompression facility available forcompressed files. Compression format supported tar, 7z,zip, iso, arj, lzma, cab, z, rar, bz2, gz, jar,nsis, cpio, chm, bzip2 3. Capable of executing a packed file afterextraction. This would be helpful in software deployment. 4. Command line arguments are supported for theexecuting file of the pack. 5. Unicode support 6. Support in all windows OS(Includes Windows 7)Please visit us at http://www.jijitechnologies.com formore details