Kernel for SCO Recovery - Version 4.01 Kernel Recovery for SCO OpenServer is a stupendous toolthat helps recovering the data lost from UNIX SCO OpenServer based operating system. There can be variousreasons behind losing the data stored on computer’shard disk like accidental deletion, corruption of HTFSfile system, corruption of EAFS file system, VolumeTable of Contents (VTOC) corruption, Corruption in ROOTdirectory, Super block or inode table corruption,Damaged or deleted partition structures, Impropersystem shutdown, etc. Kernel Recovery for SCO OpenServer performs effectiveUNIX data recovery by recursively scanning the harddisk. Most of the times the partition gets deleted;therefore, the user cannot access the data stored onthat particular partition. Kernel Recovery for SCOOpenServer automatically finds the lost partition,scans it, and recovers all of the data stored in thatpartition. Once the data is recovered it is displayedin the software interface for preview, which then canbe saved at destined location on computer’s hard disk. Using this amazing UNIX data recovery product,permanently deleted data can also be recovered withcomplete accuracy. Format of the files stored in thehard disk does not matter because Kernel Recovery forSCO OpenServer is capable to recover all sort of datafile stored in the hard disk. Moreover, the software isavailable for free trial, which is full featured exceptthat it does not allow saving the recovered data. Thefree version of SCO Open Server recovery tool isprovided to help the user analyze software quality.Kernel Recovery for SCO OpenServer supports HTFS andEAFS files systems whereas it can be installed on anyversion of Windows operating system for performing UNIXdata recovery.