Lepide Software Asset Management - Version 10.12.01 Software Asset Management (SAM) is an important ITasset management strategy used by organizations toeffectively manage their software assets. In thisregard, Lepide Software Asset Management tool, which isan asset tracking software, helps enterprises in theoverall management and optimization of softwarepurchase, licensing, deployment, utilization and theirmaintenance. Asset management software is implementedfor asset tracking along with performing otherfunctions like compliance management, software auditexecution and license management. Based on the ITinfrastructure, resources and business goals oforganizations, network inventory software facilitatesaccurate asset estimation and management. Theelementary purpose of inventory management software isto control the software assets within an organizationand limit legal and business risks which come alongwith software procurement. With the help of such ITasset management software organizations are able tomanage the available infrastructure in a better way.Furthermore, these systems also protect softwareinvestments and helps enterprises understand the fullpotential of the software applications. Through licensemanagement, SAM reduces software licensing costs andwith that reduces legal risks involved. It also helpsin asset tracking and executing software audits forbetter compliance management. Organizations are able toenforce strict software usage policies and maintaincomplete authority over their software assets with thehelp of optimum network inventory software.