LepideAuditor for Active Directory - Version 13.07.01 It is crucial to keep a check on all changes made in ADto secure the computer system and information. LepideAuditor for Active Directory is a comprehensive ActiveDirectory audit tool to keep check on all changes madein Active Directory, identify critical changes andrestore undesired changes when required. Softwaretracks AD changes and provides every detail includingwho changed what, when and from where information.Active Directory Tracking software also sends real timealerts on critical changes, so that detection time forcritical changes can be minimal. Once critical changesare identified, they can be restored using ActiveDirectory control functionalities of Lepide Auditor forActive Directory. The admin can create various reportsbased on critical changes and schedule themaccordingly. LepideAuditor for Active Directory makesit possible for Admin to rollback all changes made bythe user. The software keeps storing snapshots thathelp system to be restored. Instead of adding single domain at a time, now, thesoftware allows addition of all Domains at once. Fewminor bugs have also been removed from the softwaremaking it more efficient in performing complete ADauditing. By providing comprehensive details of ADchanges and functionalities to control them,LepideAuditor for Active Directory helps theorganization to uphold compliances i.e. HIPAA, SOX, PCIand ITIL. Various requirement-based reports on ADchanges can also be generated to track structuralchanges made in Active Directory. Lepide Auditor forActive Directory is available as freeware andenterprise edition. Freeware edition is thefeature-limited version and can be used for unlimitedtime. Enterprise edition is the fully functionalversion embedded with complete features and functions.To try fully functional software, download its trialedition that is available for 15 days before purchase.For more information: www.lepide.com/active-directory-audit