LinkShare Automation - Version 1.0 Automatically lists LinkShare offers for affiliatedstores and removes these when they expire.Using this plugin you reduce the work for storesaffiliated with LinkShare to minutes/day and you savemoney! ( Read to see how )The idea behind was to answer the question:How can I update my site with minimum effort?So we searched and found a solution. With LinkSharePlugin all you have to do is:1. go to your LinkShare account,2. select the offers you would like to appear on your site,3. download them4. upload them to your site.Still after answering this question we found that therewas another related question to this one:Now that I have the latest offers on my site how do Idelete them after expiring?Now this is a hard question considering the fact thatyou may have more than 10.000 deals on the website atone time ( we reached more than 30.000 ).What is the necessary time to delete such a big amountof offers?We have no idea! But we are sure that is a long way forsomeone to do!What did we do for this problem?We minimized the time at 0 seconds for someone who usesthis plugin. So if you use the LinkShare plugin you'llhave:- Updates of the latest deals;- Automatic remove when the deal expires.This operation requires only minutes from your time / day!