Links Organizer - Version 2.0 Links Organizer provides quick access to the most kindsof links on your system - from Start menu and Desktopto Internet links. Using Links Organizer, you caninspect, edit, exchange links between categories. Italso includes links verification and ability to removeinvalid links and fix links to moved Internetlocations. You can schedule categories, folders andindividual links to be checked whether pages they pointto were updated or not. Links Organizer can reportabout check results using a sound or by E-mail or ICQpager. Links Organizer displays a list of all linkscategories, including Start Menu, Desktop, Quick Launchbar, Recently used documents, Internet ExplorerFavorites, Netscape Navigator 1.x-3.x, NetscapeCommunicator 4.x, Mozilla, Netscape 6.x-7.x, FireFoxbookmarks and Opera 1.x-8.x Hot Lists.