Live Mail to Outlook 2010 - Version 5.7 Are you searching for a suitable solution to convertyour mails from Live Mail to Outlook 2010 PST format?If yes then you must try Birdie EML to PST Converterthat successfully works as Live Mail to Outlook 2010Converter solution to convert Windows Live Mail emailmessages into Outlook 2010 pst format. Our EML to PSTconverter tool is the complete & absolute emailconversion program, that easily supports .eml files ofWindows Mail, Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, etc.User can convert their eml files to Outlook pst byusing some simple & easy steps like; 1. Install theBirdie EML to PST Converter, 2. Browse the .eml filesor folders from your computer, 3. Click on the convertmessages button to complete the conversion process.Advanced Live Mail to Outlook 2010 conversion toolsuccessfully convert e-mail files along with all emailproperties such as; To, Cc & Bcc, Send and Receiveddates, Attachments. Software also allows users to carryout the email conversions from Live Mail to Outlook2010 in batch process that helps users to save vitaltime and effort. Try the Live Mail to Outlook 2010 toolFREE, if you really want to convert you Windows LiveMail e-mail messages to Outlook then get the fullfunctionality version convert eml2pst program by BirdieSoftware.