Lotus Notes to MS Outlook Program - Version 8.1 SysTools Group presents a Lotus Notes to OutlookProgram which gives you option Convert Lotus NotesDatabase. Now try Export Notes software which canconsist of useful features. Most of the market tooldoes not provide you sufficient guidance for LotusNotes Conversion. We provided you an excellent guidancefor Convert Lotus Notes Database. You want to get ridfrom this trouble? Use Export Notes software that canhelp you for Lotus Notes to MS Outlook Conversion. AsLotus Notes is system specific email applicationrequires much expertise knowledge while MS Outlookrequires minimal knowledge for increasing paperlesscommunication over other applications. That's why manycompanies are shifting from Lotus Notes to MS Outlook.Export Notes software provide the facilities to ConvertLotus Notes Email to Outlook including Export Imagesfrom Lotus Notes with Attachments and keeps alloriginal database of Lotus Notes intact. SysTools hasupgraded Export Notes version 8.1 with new featureslike converts password encrypted Lotus Notes emails andfiles to Outlook, compatible with Win7. It supports NSFv8.5, 8.0, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5 & 5.0 to PST 2010, 2007,2003, XP, 2000, 98 & 97. If you want to see the Demoaction of Lotus Notes to MS Outlook Program, then youcan download the demo version visiting online our site.Demo version converts first 15 items per folder ofLotus Notes to Outlook. For using fully functionalSysTools Export Notes software, you can acquire thePersonal License at reasonable cost $250 and BusinessLicense at $500. Use Lotus Notes to MS Outlook Programfor complete conversion process without any frustration.