Mac Mail EMLX to PDF - Version 3.1 Want to convert your Mac Mail emails or Mac OS X Lion,Tiger, Snow Leopard, etc email messages into PDFformat? If yes then you can trust on Birdie EMLX to PDFConverter to convert Mac Mail EMLX to EML format bykeeping all emails information's intact. This EMLX toPDF conversion solution is a Windows based applicationand can be installed and run on a Windows machine(Supports all Windows OS like; Win 7, Vista, XP, 2003,etc & also supports 32-bit / 64-bit machinescompletely). Download the Birdie EMLX to PDF converterand easily transfer all emails from Mac Mail into AdobePDF documents or Mac OS X email messages into PDF fileextension. Follow some steps to convert EMLX to PDFfiles or export EMLX to PDF; First of all copy all MacMail (.emlx) to pen drive or any other external mediato transfer EMLX files from Mac Machine to WindowsMachine after that follow some simple steps - 1.Download & Run Birdie EML to PDF Converter, 2. Open thesoftware and add EMLX files or EMLX folders (batchconvert option), 3. Hit the "Convert Messages to PDF"button & select the converted PDF files savinglocation, 4. Software will start conversion process.After that you can move your converted PDF files intoMac machine to reuse or view your emails. So now it'sto try the DEMO of EMLX to PDF Converter then get thelicensed version only at $29.00. Get more details ofthe software from