ManageEngine VM Health Monitor - Version 1.0 Virtual servers, as opposed to real physical servers,provide great cost benefits. The applications,services, together with the virtual servers, need to beup and running all the time. Any outages orperformance degradation in the virtual servers, willaffect the users of these applications and services. Hence it becomes imperative to monitor and manage thosevirtual servers continuously. The Free "ManageEngineVM Health Monitor" tool will address this monitoringrequirement. The ManageEngine VM Health Monitor tool,as the name implies, monitors important parameters ofVMWare ESX and ESXi servers. The tool fetchescomprehensive data about the servers and presents themas visually elegant graphs and reports. The relevantdata, graphs and reports are displayed in a desktoptool dashboard providing wealth of information aboutthe real-time functioning of the virtual servers. The"ManageEngine VM Health Monitor" tool can monitor twoVMWare servers simultaneously. ManageEngine VM HealthMonitor tool provides an exclusive ESX / ESXimonitoring, as a desktop tool dashboard. It shows theactual resource utilization of the virtual serversalongwith CPU and memory utilization for each guest OSon the ESX / ESXi server. The dashboard quickly showshow many virtual machines are present, how many arepowered on/off or suspended, how much CPU and memoryare allocated to / consumed by each virtual machineetc., in an intuitive bar graph. Using the tool,administrator can also set threshold values for CPU andmemory usage, like critical and warning thresholds. Ifat all, the virtual servers behave abnormally and theCPU and memory utilization dangerously crosses thethreshold limits, alert signals are shown in thedashboard tool. The IT administrator can theneffortlessly manage instances to prevent server crash,or bring back the serveres to normal functioning state. The ManageEngine VM Health Monitor tool comes handy.