Memory Card Data Recovery - Version Memory card data recovery software safely restoresaccidentally deleted files folders from all brandedlogical disks including SCSI, ATA, SATA and IDE.Professional data restoration program easily gets backall files and folders that were lost after emptiedrecycle bin or using Shift + Delete command. Memorycard data recovery software always keeps theoriginality of recovering data while retrieving filesand folders from virus infected removable drive andsupports NTFS and FAT file system. DDR professionaldata salvage utility deeply scans damaged, corrupted orinaccessible sectors of hard disk drive and restoresall data at user specified safe location of hard diskwithout taking extra time. Memory card data recoverysoftware recovers formatted or accidently deleted datain just few clicks with preview feature that providesability to select entire or selected files includefolders as per user data recovery need. File recoveryapplication easily runs under all latest versions ofWindows operating system including 2000, 2003, ME, NT,XP, Vista and 7. Affordable memory card data recoverysoftware can effectively restores formatted orinaccessible office documents even after improper OSinstallation, virus attack or using f-disk command onyour hard disk. Data rescue application can easilydetect as well as recovers all corrupted MBR and MFTboot records in just few minutes. Software Features: * Memory card data recovery software always keeps theactual format of data while retrieving files from harddisk drive.* Data retrieval tool restores damaged data after errormessage”Drive not detected” display on computer system.* Software provides inbuilt user help manuals andefficient inline support.* Memory card data recovery software supports all majormanufacturers of memory cards including Sony, Kingston,Olympus etc. * Application offers tree view listing and thumbnailpreview option before actual data recovery.