Microsoft OST to PST conversion software - Version 4.7 PST is the file format where the database files of theuser gets stored in Outlook. During the data losscircumstance OST files experiences corruption andrestricts the user to use the files. To make OST datareusable again successfully, a proficient emailconverter to repair the corrupt files and convertsfluently to healthy PST files. Recover Data for OST toPST is a wondrous email conversion software proficientemail conversion software which efficiently convertsthe repaired OST emails, contacts, calendars, tasks,notes, attachments etc. from the inaccessible OST(Offline Storage Table) to PST (Personal StorageTable). It smoothly performs the email conversion ofthe OST database from MS Exchange of 5.0, 5.5, 2000,2003, 2007 & 2010 to MS Outlook of 95, 97, 2000, 2002,2003, 2007 & 2010 versions. The converted data can beaccessed in Outlook email client without any interruptions.The scenarios that are responsible for the OST filecorruption are as follows: The failure in the datastorage sectors results in the damage of the importantfiles. The poor network connectivity hinders theintegration process causing file corruption. Powerfluctuations during the synchronization process damagesthe offline storage files. Virus infection makes theOST files unusable. The accidental shutdown during useor synchronizing the OST files. During harmonizingprocess the offline folders and server originates manyerrors. Outlook supports OST file limit beyond 2GB.The main highlights of the product are as follows: *Email Conversion of damaged OST to fresh PST file *converts the severely damaged OST database files to newPST file * Regains successfully the complete emailcomponents such as: Inbox, sent items, outbox draftsetc. * Recovers and Restores the email fields likesubject, message flag, date and time of creation,sender's name etc. * Retrieves all the distributionlists such as: calendar entries, journals, notes,tasks, appointments and many more items