Microsoft Windows Backup Recovery - Version 5.4.1 Our association has constructed famous and fantastic Microsoft windows Backup recovery which easy to restore windows vista backup speedily. In this tool has three types of scanning process available like Quick scan, deep scan and new ranged based scan process. After the corruption of Windows BKF file, it may not open anymore. Don't be concerned! Try Microsoft Windows backup recovery tool for recovering corrupted Windows backup file. Backup recovery software to repair BKF files which are created with Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista and Windows 7 and backup utilities, along with BKF files created with Backup Exec by NTBackup.Exe of MS Windows and VERITAS backup .Exec of Symantec Group. With the help of demo version (free of cost) you can easily view the recoverable items but you cannot save it. If you want to recover entire data with saving options buy Personal License at $89 and Business License at $180