Microsoft Windows XP Backup Software - Version 5.2 If your system backup got corrupt then we will provideyou a good opportunity to recover each and every fileof corrupt backup which is created using NTbackup andVERITAS backup utility. SysTools BKF Repair tool is anextensive name which includes powerful features to getback your lost backup data. Windows XP backup recoveryincludes "Quick Scan" and "Deep Scan" features. *QuickScan: Using this feature you can scan large sizedcorrupted BKF data quickly and easily. *Deep Scan:while using this feature there is no chance of restingany corrupted BKF file. You don't need to worry aboutdata crisis, SysTools advance Microsoft Windows XPBackup software would help you to get victory on allyour data lose troubles and provides satisfaction withguarantee. SysTools BKF Repair software latest versionof 5.2 is now able to recover your corrupted backupfiles which are created by VERITAS Backup Exec. It isadvanced software that helps you in the situation ofBKF data loss. There are many unavoidable reasons forBKF data corruption. A common reason is the exceededlimit size of NTBackup. This leads to corruption of BKFfile and in turn data loss. There is software providedby SysTools, a world leader in data recovery, called MSBKF Repair. This is a Microsoft Windows XP Backup toolthat works quickly and perfectly and recovers BKF fileswithout harming even the slightest data information inthose files. SysTools has added a strong feature inthis version which is of "Partial Scan". In therecovery of large sized files, user can quickly dopartial scan if he needs only a few files from BKFData. You can easily view the corrupt backup data byusing demo version of SysTools BKF Repair tool which isavailable at free of cost. You can get full version ofsoftware's personal license only at $89 and businesslicense at just $180.