More Advance Port Locking Software - Version This unique Port Locker software helps to safeguardimportant data or information of users from illegal orunethical activities. This software is attached withunique features along with latest technology. Thesoftware restricts data transfer from various externalstorage devices such as IEEE 1394, DVD/CD Writers,Printer, Ethernet Ports USB drive, PCMCIA Port andBluetooth ports. It offers feature for Blocking thePrint Screen.The data protecting software keeps sharp eyes on usersvaluable data. The advanced technique helps users tolock or unlock ports with password verification. Itmaintains log of transferred file from USB and CD/DVDwriters also provides option to add devices that can beused within a group/department. It blocks ports toprevent illegal access at the time when the PC is idle.Moreover, it schedules the timings to block the ports.The �File Transfer Log� feature displays detailedreports of renamed, added or deleted files.The powerful data shielding software allows users tolock the ports with passwords, if the user tries toaccess the port it asks for the password. It also ringsthe alarm if someone tries to access the locked port.The application provides option of reporting systemactivities by FTP as well as the option to resetsoftware settings to default is available. Users caneasily activate or deactivate password for thesoftware. It employs E-mail Filtering feature to filterand blocks emails which are being sent from MS Outlookemail client.To handle this software is an easy task, first of allinstall the Port Locker software on your system andClick on the Port Locker tab in the system tray, Createa password for the program and proceed next, select theoption �Lock Port� proceed next and the system willlock the port to shield your datavisit