Move & Click - Version 2.0 Moves and clicks mouse when user is away from computer. This can be used to avoid computer going in sleep mode, starting screen saver and can be used for any program which requires mouse to be moved and clicked to avoid triggering of any unwanted events. Features: Randomly moves mouse on the screen at time interval (between 1 and 60 seconds) provided by user or at random intervals. Constantly displays mouse position in pixels. Clicks on upto 3 positions on screen provided by user and at intervals provided by user or at random intervals between 1 and 10 minutes. Clicking interval can be defined from 1 seconds and 60 minutes. Clicking option can be turned off or on any time. Now Clicking positions can be set manually entering coordinates or automatically by clicking set click position buttons. Move & Click window can be set to hide when setting click positions. Can be set to autostart if mouse not moved for desired interval from 1 to 60 minutes. Can be set to autostop if anykey pressed or any mouse button clicked (except left mouse button).