Move Outlook Express Contacts into Outlook - Version 3.01 The process to Move Outlook Express Contacts intoOutlook using WAB Exporter Software is as simple asthat, you just need to convert Outlook Express WABcontacts to PST format and then import contactsinformation such as Summary, Business, Home, Personaland others. Software to move Outlook Express to PSTsupports all version of Outlook Express 5.0, 5.5, 6.0.And fully supported graphical user inters face or thissoftware enables both technical and non-technical userto easily use this program. Move Outlook ExpressContacts into Outlook offers facility to systematicalarrangement both contacts and groups. Move OutlookExpress Contacts into Outlook program competently runson all window versions (Outlook 2002, 2003, 2007, XP,and Vista). Move Outlook Express Contacts into Outlookoffers free demo facility to convert only 5 contactsfrom WAB to PST.