MsgCore - Version 3.01 MsgCore is a famous and powerful Internet e-mail serverbrings SMTP and POP3 capabilities to your MicrosoftWindows.NET 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, and WindowsNT 4.0 computers. It is compatible with e-mail clientscompliant to SMTP and POP3 standards, such as MicrosoftOutlook, Netscape Communicator Messenger (Mozilla),Eudora, and hundreds of e-mail clients in the realworld. MsgCore can be used as an in-house mail serverwith no connection to the Internet. In thisconfiguration, it serves to holdand pass mail for localusers. The real power of MsgCore, however, is toconnect to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and passmail to and from the larger world. MsgCore will workwith either a dedicated Internet connection, which isalways present, or a dial-up Internet connection, suchas a SLIP, PPP, or PPPoE connection that comes andgoes. MsgCore allows an unlimited number of users,mailboxes and mailing lists. MsgCore is capable ofscanning incoming email and blocking infected messagesonline. MsgCore.3 can co-work with famouse McAfeeVirusScan, Grisoft AVG Antivirus, Sophos Antivirus, andF-Prot Antivirus now.